Prof. Dr. Irene Lichtscheidl
I seek to contribute to the understanding of the organization and dynamics of plant cells under various physiological and ecological conditions including cell development and stress caused by excess of heavy metals in the soil.
During my studies of Botany I specialized in analysing structure and functions of plant cells. For this aim, I established in my Facility advanced techniques of light microscopy, ie. video-enhanced contrast light microscopy and uv microscopy, which allow for visualization of microscopic details below the resolution of the conventional light microscope (usually ca 300 nm) in bright field or differential interference contrast. It is thus possible to observe organelles such as endosomes (80-200 nm), endoplasmic reticulum (80 nm), microtubules (25 nm) and bundles of actin microfilaments in living cells and extruded cytoplasm, and to observe their dynamic behaviour. For further information about the ultrastructure of cells and their organelles, plants are studied in the scanning and transmission electron microscope. Chemical fixation and dehydration could, however, cause severe alterations of the cytoplasm, and chemical fixation is also a problem where fluorescence staining is needed. I therefore started to usethe improved methods of freeze fixation and freeze substitution newly developed in our Facility, and I currently develop protocols for different organisms for best possible preservation of the cytoplasm during transfer from light to fluorescence and electron microscope.
Together with my research group and students, I focus mainly on three research topics:
1.Growth of plant cells, eg developing root hairs and germinating pollen tubes:
Cytomorphology and organelle motility are related to cell elongation and cell wall development. As methods, we use fluorescence and video-enhanced light microscopy for analysing the dynamic properties of (sub)microscopic organelles and the cytoskeleton. Ultrastructural details are revealed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Molecular background is analysed in cooperation with colleagues with relevant techniques.
2.Stress reaction of plant cells to abiotic stress:
Here, we investigate the reactions of living cells to mechanical injury, to various biotic and abiotic chemicals, to heavy metals and to osmotic stress or light. The results shall improve our understanding of cell signalling, cell-to-cell communication and stress defense on the cellular level. During the last years focus was laid mainly on heavy metal toxicity. We apply light and electron microscopy for analysis of plant cell structure and function, relate structural information to molecular results from colleagues, and investigate the ecology of heavy metal contaminated soils and their vegetation. Emphasis is laid on strengthening of plants able to grow in heavy metal contaminated soils so that they can be used for remediation of toxic sites.
3.Structure, function and ecology of carnivorous plants and their glandular cells:
Due to deficiency of nutrients, plants have developed mechanisms to extract proteins from animals and insects. Leaves have been transformed into special traps but the mechanisms of nutrient uptake and further transport in the plant remain to be clarified. In addition, glandular cells of carnivorous plants are excellent models for the study of secretion and absorption.In Drosera sp., we have developed a method to describe the uptake of animal protein (endocytosis, membrane permeation). Now, we are able to investigate other carnivorous plants in this respect.
4.Cooperation with colleagues about their topics:
Due to my experience in live cell imaging and also in electron microscopy, I cooperate closely with colleagues from other fields and analyse structural and dynamic properties of their organisms, cells and technical items.
Selected Projects
Cytomorphology and motility of organelles:
- Growth and development of elongated tip-growing plant cells
TIPNET project HPRN-CT-2002-00265; Irene Lichtscheidl (2002-2005)
- Dynamics in pollen tube growths
Hochschuljubiläumsfonds; Irene Lichtscheidl (2005-2007)
Abstract - Microscopy of living cells
ÖAD/SAIA; Irene Lichtscheidl, Dalibor Stys (2012-2015)
Stress reactions of plant cells to biotic and abiotic stress:
- BIOREMediation of heavy metal contaminated sites in Peru and Nicaraguas
ÖAD/OEZA; Irene Lichtscheidl (2011-2014)
Abstract - UMBRELLA: “Using MicroBes for the REgulation of heavy metaL mobiLity at ecosystem and landscape scAle: an integrative approach for soil remediation by geobiological processes
ENV.2008.; Irene Lichtscheidl (2009-2012); "Recovery of degraded soil resources”. Coordinated by E. Kothe from Jena/Germany.
Carnivorous plants and their ecological environment:
- Protokarnivore Pflanzen in Österreich: Ökologie und Physiologie des Insektenfangs und der Aufnahme von tierischen Nährstoffen in möglicherweise fleischfressenden Pflanzen
Project of the Austrian Academy of Sciences to I. Lichtscheidl (2004-2006)
Professional career
2019 | Appointed as Full Professor |
Since 2005 | Core Facility of Cell Imaging and Ultrastructrure Research (CIUS), Head of the Department since 2009 |
2000-2004 | Head of the Department of Cell Physiology and Scientific Film at the Institute of Ecology, University of Vienna |
since 1996 | Habilitationat the University of Vienna |
1988 -1989 | PostDoc at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, MA |
1987 | Post Doc at the Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Since 1983 | University Assistant at the Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Vienna |
1996 | “Venia docendi” (Habilitation) in "Anatomy and Physiology of Plants" at the University of Vienna.Specialization in physiology of plant cells |
1983 | Graduation to the University of Viennasub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae |
1978-1982 | Ph.D.Thesis at the Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Vienna. Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Walter G. Url |
1976–1982 | Study of Botanyat the University of Vienna |
1973–1977 | Study of Pharmacy at the University of Vienna |
Publications since 2002
Burger, A., Weidinger, M., Baumann, N., Vesely, A., Lichtscheidl, I. The response of the accumulator plants Noccaea caerulescens, Noccaea goesingense and Plantago major towards the uranium. Submitted in: Journal of the Environmental Radioactivity
Bokor, B, Soukup, M., Vaculík, M., Vďačný, P., Weidinger, M., Lichtscheidl, I., Vávrová, S., Sonah, H., Deshmukh, R., Bélanger, R.R., White P., El-Serehy, H.A., Lux, A. (2019): Silicon uptake and localisation in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) – A unique association with sclerenchyma. Frontiers in Plant Science 10, in press.
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00988
Burger, A., Weidinger, M., Adlassnig, W., Puschenreiter, M., Lichtscheidl, I. (2019): Response of Arabidopsis halleri to cesium and strontium in hydroponics: extraction potential and effects on morphology and physiology. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 184, 109625.
Burger, A., Weidinger, M., Adlassnig, W., Puschenreiter, M., Lichtscheidl, I. (2019): Response of Plantago major to cesium and strontium in hydroponics: absorption and effects on morphology, physiology and photosynthesis. Environmental Pollution 254, 113084.
Ryszka, P., Lichtscheidl, I., Tylko, G., Turnau, K. (2019): Symbiotic microbes of Saxifraga stellaris ssp alpigena from the copper creek of Schwarzwand (Austrian Alps) enhance plant tolerance to copper. Chemosphere 228: 183-194.
Burger, A., Lichtscheidl, I. (2019): Strontium in the environment: Review about reactions of plants towards stable and radioactive strontium isotopes. Sci Total Environ 633:1458-1512.
Ghaffar, R., Weidinger, M., Mähnert, B., Schagerl, M., Lichtscheidl, I. (2018): Adaptive responses of mature giant chloroplasts in the deep-shade lycopod Selaginella erythropus to prolonged light and dark periods. Plant, Cell and Environment 41:1791-1805 .
Burger, A., Lichtscheidl, I. (2018): Stable and radioactive cesium: A review about distribution in the environment, uptake and translocation in plants, plant reactions and plants' potential for bioremediation. Science of the Total Environment 618, 1459-1485.
Piovar, J., Weidinger, M., Backor, M., Backorova, M., Lichtscheidl, I. (2017): Short-term influence of Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd excess on metabolism, ultrastructure and distribution of elements in lichen Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. Ecology and Environmental Safety 145, 408-419.
Bokor, B., Ondos, S., Vaculik, M., Bokorova, S., Weidinger, M., Lichtscheidl, I., Turna, J., Lux, A. (2017): Expression of genes for Si uptake, accumulation, and correlation of Si with other elements in Ionome of Maize kernel. Front. Plant Sci. 8:1063.
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01063
Adlassnig, W., Weiss, Y.S., Sassmann, S., Steinhauser, G., Hofhansl, F., Baumann, N., Lichtscheidl, I.K., Lang, I (2016). The copper spoil heap Knappenberg, Austria, as a model for metal habitats – Vegetation, substrate and contamination. Science of the Total Environment 563-564, 11037-1049.
Schreiber-Brynzak, E., Pichler, V.,Heffeter, P., Hanson, B., Theiner, S., Lichtscheidl-Schultz, I., Kornauth, C., Bamonti, L., Dhery, V., Groza, D., Berry, D., Berger, W., Galanski, M., Jakupec, M.A., Keppler, B.K. (2016): Behavior of platinum(IV) complexes in models of tumor hypoxia: cytotoxicity, compound distribution and accumulation. Metallomics 8, 422-433.
DOI: 10.1039/C5MT00312A.
Schreiber-Brynzak, E., Klapproth, E., Unger, C., Lichtscheidl-Schultz, I., Goeschl, S., Schweighofer, S., Trondl, R., Dolznig, H., Jakupec, M., Keppler, B.K. (2015): Three-dimensional and co-culture models for preclinical evaluation of metal-based anticancer drugs. In: Investigational New Drugs: the journal of new anti-cancer agents, Band 33, Nr. 4, 08.2015, S. 835-847.
Sassmann, S., Adlassnig, W., Puschenreiter, M., Palomino-Cadenas, J., Leyvas, M., Lichtscheidl, I., Lang, I. (2014): Free metal ion availability is a major factor for tolerance and growth in Physcomitrella patens. Environmental and Experimental Botany 110: 1-10.
Legin, A. A., Schintlmeister, A., Jakupec, M. A., Galanski, M., Lichtscheidl-Schultz, I., Wagner, M. & Keppler, B. K. (2014): NanoSIMS combined with fluorescence microscopy as a tool for subcellular imaging of isotopically labeled platinum-based anticancer drugs. Chemical Science: 5, 3135-3143
Ovečka, M., Takáč, T., Komis, G., Vadovič, P., Bekešová, S., Doskočilová, A., Smékalová, V., Luptovčiak, I., Šamajová, O., Schweighofer, A., Meskiene, I., Jonak, C., Křenek, P., Lichtscheidl, I., Škultéty, L., Hirt, H., Šamaj, J. (2014): Salt-induced subcellular kinase relocation and seeding susceptibility caused by overexpression of Medicago SIMKK in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany 65, 2335-50.
Chaturvedi, P., Ischebeck, T., Egelhofer, V., Lichtscheidl, I., Weckwerth, W. (2013): Cell-specific analysis of the tomato pollen proteome from pollen mother cell to mature pollen provides evidence for developmental priming. Journal of Proteome Research 12, 4892-4903.
Wernitznig, S., Adlassnig, W., Sprocati, A. R., Turnau, K., Neagoe, A., Alisi, C., Sassmann, S., Nicoara, A., Pinto, V., Cremisini, C., Lichtscheidl, I. (2013): Plant growth promotion by inoculation with selected bacterial strains versus mineral soil supplements. J of Env Science and Pollution Research 21, 6877-6887.
Adlassnig W., Sassmann S., Lendl T., Wernitznig S., Hallberg K.B., Hofhansl F., Lang I., Lichtscheidl I. (2013): Heavy metal household of the former mining site Schwarzwand (Salzburg, Austria): spontaneous self cleaning by plants and biofilms. J of Applied Geochemistry 35, 196-206.
Nebel L., Kreitner G., Horak O., Adlassnig W., Eder G., Palomino E., Leyva M., Lichtscheidl I. (2013): BioRem – Database for remediation of heavy metal rich habitats and protection of their biodiversity. American Journal of Plant Sciences 4, 1938-1940.
Adlassnig W., Koller-Peroutka M., Bauer S., Koshkin E., Lendl T., Lichtscheidl I.K. (2012): Endocytotic Uptake of Nutrients in Carnivorous Plants. The Plant Journal 71(2):303-13
Pleskot R., Pejchar P., Bezvoda R., Lichtscheidl IK., Wolters-Arts M., Marc J., Zárský V., Potocký M. (2012): Turnover of Phosphatidic Acid through distinct signaling pathways affects multiple aspects of pollen tube growth in Tobacco. Front Plant Sci. 2012 Mar 19;3:54.
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00054. eCollection 2012.
Zhang Y., Kogelnig D., Morgenbesser C., Stojanovic A., Jirsa F., Lichtscheidl-Schultz, I, Krachler R., Li Y., Keppler B. (2011): Preparation and characterization of immobilized [A336][MTBA] in PVA-alginate gel beads as novel solid-phase extractants for an efficient recovery of Hg (II) from aqueous solutions. J Hazard Mater 196: 201-209. URL
Derksen J., Pierson E., Janssen G.J., Wolters-Arts M., Lichtscheidl I.K., Adlassnig W., Ovecka M., Doris F., Steer M. (2011): Wall architecture and wall porosity of Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes during growth. The Plant Journal: 68 (3): 495-506
Ovecka M., Berson T., Beck,M., Derksen J., Samaj J., Lichtscheidl I., (2010): Structural Sterols Are Involved in both the Initiation and Tip Growth of Root Hairs in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell 22: 2999 -3019.
Al-Dubai H., Lichtscheidl I., Strobl M., Pittner G., Pittner F. (2010): Immunosorbent assay using gold colloid cluster technology for determination of IgEs in patients’ sera. Nanotechnology, Science and Applications 2010(3):91-100. DOI 10.2147/NSA.S12926
Christian R., Kowol C.R., Trondl R., Arion V.B., Michael A., Jakupec M.A., Lichtscheidl I.K., Keppler B.K. (2009): Fluorescence properties and cellular distribution of the investigational anticancer drug Triapine (3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde thiosemicarbazone) and its zinc(II) complex. Dalton Trans., 2010, 39: 704–706.
Adlassnig, W., Mayer, E., Koller-Peroutka, M., Pois, W., Lichtscheidl-Schultz, I.(2010): Two American Sarracenia Species as Neophyta in Central Europe. Phyton. Annales Rei Botanicae 49: 279-292.
Volgger, M., Lang, I., Ovecka, M., Lichtscheidl I. (2010): Plasmolysis and cell wall deposition in wheat root hairs under osmotic stress. Protoplasma 243: 51-62.
Sassmann, S., Wernitznig, S., Lichtscheidl I., Lang, I. (2010): Comparing copper resistance in two bryophytes: Mielichhoferia elongata Hornsch. versus Physcomitrella patens Hedw. Protoplasma 246: 119-123.
Vaculík M., Lux A., Luxová M., Tanimoto E., Lichtscheidl I.K. (2009): Silicon mitigates cadmium inhibitory effects in young maize plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67: 52–58.
Adlassnig W., Steinhauser G., Peroutka M., Musilek A., Sterber J., Lichtscheidl I.K., Bichler M. (2009): Expanding the menu for carnivorous plants: uptake of potassium, iron and manganese by carnivorous pitcher plants. Applied Radiation and Isoptopes 67: 2117-2122.
Fillafer C., Ratzinger G., Neumann J., Guttenberg Z., Dissauer S., Lichtscheidl I.K., Wirth M., Gabor F., Schneider M.F. (2009): An acoustically-driven biochip - impact of flow on the cell-association of targeted drug carriers. Lab on a Chip Lab Chip 9: 2782–2788.
Steinhauser G., Adlassnig W., Lendl T., Peroutka M., Weidinger M., Lichtscheidl I.K., Bichler M. (2009): Metalloid contaminated microhabitats and their biodiversity at a former antimony mining site in Schleining, Austria. Open Environmental Sciences 3, 30-35.
Peroutka, M. Adlassnig, W., Volgger, M., Lendl, T., Url, W.G., Lichtscheidl, I. (2008): Utricularia: a vegetarian carnivorous plant? Algae as prey of bladdertwort in oligotrophic bogs. Plant Ecol 199: 153-162.
Ovecka M., Baluška F., Lichtscheidl I. (2008): Non-invasive microscopy of tip-growing root hairs as a tool for study of dynamic and cytoskeleton-based vesicle trafficking. Cell Biol Int 32, 549-553.
Banasova, V., Horak, O., Ciamporova, M., Lichtscheidl I. (2008): Heavy metal contents in Thlaspi caerulescens J. et C. Presl growing on metalliferous and non-metalliferous soils in Central Slovakia. Int J Environment and Pollution 33, 133 – 145.
Illés, P., Schlicht, M., Pavlovkin, J., Lichtscheidl, I., Baluska, F., Ovecka, M. (2006): Aluminium toxicity in plants: internalisation of aluminium into cells of the transiotion zone in Arabidopsis root apices relates to changes in plasma membrane potential, endosomal behaviour, and nitric oxide production. J. Exp. Botany 57, 4201-4213.
Banasova, V., Horak, O., Ciamporova, M., Lichtscheidl I. (2008): Heavy metal contents in Thlaspi caerulescens J. et C. Presl growing on metalliferous and non-metalliferous soils in Central Slovakia. Int J Environment and Pollution 33, 133 – 145.
Adlassnig, W., M. Peroutka, G. Eder, W. Pois, Lichtscheidl I. (2006): Ecophysiological observations on Drosophyllum lusitanicum. Ecological Research 21: 255 - 262.
Plachno, B., L. Adamec, I. K. Lichtscheidl, M. Peroutka, W. Adlassnig, Vrba J. (2006): Fluorescence labelling of phosphatase activity in digestive glands of carnivorous plants. Plant Biology: 813 - 820.
Steinhauser, G., W. Adlassnig, M. Peroutka, A. Musilek, J. H. Sterba, M. Bichler, Lichtscheidl I. (2006): Application of radiotracers in an exotic field of botany: How to feed carnivorous plants. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.
Ovečka, M. Lang I. Baluska F. Isamil A., Lichtscheidl I. (2005): Endocytosis and vesicle trafficking during tip growth of root hairs. Protoplasma 226, 39 – 54. Cover Picture for Protoplasma, Volume 226
Adlassnig, W., Peroutka M., Lang I., Lichtscheidl I. K. (2005): Glands of carnivorous plants as a model system in cell biological research. Acta Botanica Gallica 152: 111 - 124.
Adlassnig, W., Peroutka M., Lichtscheidl I. K., Lambers H. (2005): Roots of carnivorous plants. Plant and Soil 274: 127-140.
Ovečka M, Lichtscheidl I, Baluška F , Šamaj J, Volkmann D, Hirt H (2004): Regulation of root hair tip growth: can mitogen-activated protein kinases be taken into account? NATO Series . DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-8843-8_5.
Šamaj J, Ovecka M, Hlavacka A, Lecourieux F, Meskiene I, Lichtscheidl I, Lenart P, Salaj J, Volkmann D, Bögre L, Baluška F, Hirt H (2003): Involvement of MAP kinase SIMK and actin cytoskeleton in the regulation of root hair tip growth. Cell Biology International 27, 257-259
Samaj J., Ovecka M., Hlavacka A., Lecourieux F., Meskiene I., Lichtscheidl I., Lenart P., Salaj J., Volkmann D., Bögre L., Baluska F., Hirt H. (2002): Involvement of the mitogen-activated protein kinase SIMK in regulation of root hair tip growth. The EMBO Journal 21, 3296-3306.